
Working as the in-house designer at Reyker jobs included re-branding, designing the website, signage, branded stationary, brochures and marketing.

Branding & Identity
Corporate Communications

Web design

Reyker Stationery Mock Up.jpg
Reyker Officecorridor.jpg

Branding & identity


After conducting research, the findings showed that the company is viewed as progressive and forward thinking – reflected in the arrow showing direction. The company prides itself on creating streamlined processes and treating security seriously in tech. The brackets used in the design symbolise security and safety. They are also visually reminiscent of coding brackets, linking back to technology. These messages are reflected in the website, advertising concepts and various promotional materials.





The site-map for the website required the expertise and knowledge of everyone in the business, so I held group sessions to reach a general consensus. The surface of a table was split into sections of the site and staff were asked to note pages or topics that needed to be covered. They wrote their ideas on post-it notes and attached them to the relevant areas. From that research, I was able to provide a comprehensive site-map that all the staff were comfortable with. I went on to create wire-frames and work them up with Sketch. Working alongside developers, we refined the animations and final details.



The Annual Report was an opportunity to create a marketing document. We established the key messages we wanted to communicate to our audience. A more personal side business comes across with photos of staff. The layouts are overlapping to show the emphasis on working together within the business and the overlapping of disciplines. With illustrations and infographics, the company's key figures and information is shown in a fresh and different way. This helped separate our visual language to the financial sector and make us stand out.

Editorial Mockupv2.jpg

Pitch book

A pitch to investors. Bolder colour, creative imagery taking you on a journey through the plans for the future.


Structured product

Every month I worked on producing brochures for the structured investments area of the business. These use a consistent grid system and framework. The unique design on the cover shows that each product is bespoke and unique.

mock up brochures.jpg


I managed the marketing and social accounts and created templates for different services.


Other projects